KEYWORDSPY Promo Code — 50% Off in 2024

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What Is Keywordspy?

Keywordspy is a keyword research tool. You can use it to find out which keywords your competitors are using in their advertising campaigns. You can explore their use of a range of advertising systems, including Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and Bing Adcenter.

Keywordspy has over 127 million keywords in its database, which means you’ll get a thorough search and comprehensive results that you can really use.

As well as seeing which keywords your competitors are using, you can find out what their spending is on systems such as adwords, and you’ll get daily database updates to make sure you always have the most current information.

How Can Keywordspy Help Me?

As well as knowing what your competitors are up to, this information means you can focus your own campaigns using keywords that your competitors have proven to work.

Using Keywordspy takes a lot of the guesswork, and legwork, out of deciding how to run your own ad and keyword campaigns for maximum traffic and profi.

Keywordspy offers three types of account – Research, Tracking, and a Professional account that combines both. Let’s take a look at each kind of account and what it can do for your business.

Research Accounts

The Keywordspy Research account gives you access to the following information:

•Pay per click (PPC) ad information including: which keywords were used, the ad copy, search volumes, the average positio of the ad, and the estimated cost per click (CPC).

•Pay per click keywords, including individual keywords uses, the search volume, the return on investments, days seen, and any affiliat ads on that keyword.

•Organic keywords and their search results

•How your competirors fare in both PPC and orangic search results

A Research Account costs $89.95 monthly and is particularly well suited to individual marketers, PPC researchers, and SEO specialists.

Tracking Accounts

A Tracking account is for tracking your own campaigns, both pay per click and organic. You can track your Google, Bing and Yahoo campaigns in real time, giving you the most up to date information at all times.

A Tracking account gives you the option to benchmark your data by using data scraped from the competition. You’ll also get information to organic and pay per click overlap data.

A Tracking account costs $89.95 monthly and is particularly well suited to mid-level pay per click and SEO businesses.

Professional Accounts

A professional account offers all the benefits of both a Research and a Tracking account. You’ll also benefit from affiliate intelligence, which gives you access to information on products and ads being used by 132 affiliate networks.

A Professional Account usually costs $179 monthly, but is currently on sale for $139.95 a month. A Professional Account is particularly suited to multi-national companies and corporate-level SEO and pay per click companies.

Try Out Keywordspy For As Long As You Like

There’s no need to search for a Keywordspy promo code when you can take advantage of their lifetime free trial! You can try before you buy for as long as you like, and if you need support at any time you can take advantage of their live chat feature, or email for advice.

If you’re looking to find out which keywords are working for your competitors, Keywordspy provides you with all the tools you need.

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