How can you save money in your daily life?

My life revolves around my community. While I work part-time, my real job is serving my community. I give people a practical hand with matters in and around the house, such as hanging drywall, grouting a basement, and tearing out bushes from an elderly lady’s yard.

Whether it is reaching out to a hurting man in the grocery store whose wife died from COVID-19, or entertaining two autistic children for hours while their grandmother shopped, or helping run a massive three-day charity yard sale, I love being of personal and emotional assistance.

Whatever my community asks of me, I will do, as I want to help others enjoy a better life. This is the reason I chose Medicinal Biochemistry as my major.

My name is Isabella Rezende, and I am a 17-year-old student enrolled at Arizona State University, majoring in Medicinal Biochemistry.

Last year, I graduated from high school at 16 years of age with highest honors and anAssociate in Science as well as an Associate in Arts, while maintaining a 4.0 GPA, making straight A’s.I transferred to ASU in the hopes of beginning a great academic journeyinto graduate schoolto further serve my community.

Because my parents immigrated to the US in 1998, from Brazil, I hold dual citizenship. I have visited abroad on numerous occasions and am familiar with the hardships endured in third-world countries. While boundless opportunities arise with significant academic studies, I know the keys to unlocking an education are determination, perseverance, and unwavering hope in the future. I believe the rewards earned through the pursuit of academia are the greatest achievable.

My love for science and the medical field leads me to consider pediatrics as the way to tie in my love for children and medicine. In 2019, I conducted a large research project on neonatology. My mother and brother almost died when my brother was born due to multiple complications. But, thanks to neonatal advancements, their lives were saved.

This was an inspiration to my project. I believe I can maximize my capacity through the study and practice of medicine, which is why I chose to pursue my chosen major. I will strive to do my best to reach my goals.

As a university student, one thing Ihave learned is to not buy new textbooks. Newtextbooks can run up to $200 sometimes.When you buy one used, you might be able to get it for $30, $40, or $50, and even sell it when you are done. I have actually done this several times!

Another thing I have learned is that your student ID card can give you discounts. A wide range of stores from tech savvy to fashion to food offer all sorts of discounts when you present your university ID – even if you are an online student!!!

Another very big tip to save money while attending university is to limit the amount of eating out. A Chicken Caesar Salad from Panera Breadyesterday cost me almost $13. This accumulated fast-food spending is a big money down the drain problem for university students. Rather than eating out, you could save a lot of money by cooking at home.

For the price, you might pay for a cheeseburger at some restaurants, you could buy a big bag of frozen patties from the grocery store and throw them on the grill and eat five times for the price you might pay once at a fast-food restaurant. Nonetheless, if you find yourself in a pickle and reduced to eating out, many restaurants have rewards programs such as Zaxby’s.With every Big ZaxSnack meal you buy, you earn another free one next time you come around. Panera Bread also has a program where you can get unlimited coffee every 2 hours for $8.99 a month! So be sure to look into these rewards programs.

Lastly, another tip I have discovered is this. It is very common for students to procrastinate in their studies and drag out theirprogram of study longer than the necessary time frame, causing them excess expenses. By all means, do not crash too hard to where you will cause yourself undue stress and possibly hurt your GPA oreven affect renewable scholarships and such. Butalso consider that the fewer semesters that you take at the university, the fewer your overall expense will wind up.

In conclusion, my parents are very supportive of their children receiving an education. My 19-year-old brother is going to law school and my 14-year-old sister is working on an associate degree. As a family, we consider academic achievement to be an important goal in life, and a scholarship will be a great tool in achieving this goal.

I believe the successes achievable through my education will benefit my community, and this is the core root of my motivation to be successful in college. My parents are hardworking and willdo everything they can to support my journey, but it is a financial load for them as they have three children aspiring to go to college at the same time. Consequently, I sincerely ask to be considered for this scholarship.Thank you
